1658 Bedford Highway - (902) 580-6969 - luxuryhairhalifax@outlook.com

List of things i can do wearing a wig


So i see a lot of people asking for advice on where they can wear their wigs and how to avoid being discovered as a wig wearer on vacations and beach trips. Below is my list of what i can do in a wig ; 

1. LIFE 

Yup that is correct ! I wear hair full time and through all of life's trials and tribulations i have never had a mishap! I have surfed in Costa Rica, I have sailed in the Atlantic ocean and just last week, i did at least 40 hours of landscaping work in the heat of the summer! With the right products and some very high end hair it is pretty easy to forget about it and just get on with life! I am positive that wearing hair does not have to take over our life and I know that there is no reason to avoid or to be afraid to do things. 

I have read about ladies who have invested in extra units to take with them on vacations and hid away from friends so that it was not detected. Here is what i say about that ..... If you can afford 2 it is always easier as you can have one to wear while the other is drying out. However, i never had that luxury! I traveled a lot and i do mean a lot and never had 2 units. I did exactly what the rest of the world does on vacation, either i embraced wet hairstyles or I washed and blowdried my hair before i went out! 

I think it is important to educate yourself about the ins and outs of the wig you are wearing and how to best prepare for the conditions. During times where i knew i would be diving and swimming and or exposed to high winds and such i would recommend that you invest in an adhesive. I know that most do not like to use this and on a regular day you may be able to go without. HOWEVER, in more harsh environments it is so important to have the confidence to let go an just have fun without worry. Use a good tape, a waterproof glue or a hard bond which offer you options and then...

just go live your life!!! 



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