1658 Bedford Highway - (902) 580-6969 - luxuryhairhalifax@outlook.com


 LUXURY HAIR HALIFAX - (902) 580-6969
 1139 Bedford Highway Bedford, NS

Similar to other small businesses, this one starts with a story. I started to wear hair in my 20s. After coming to terms with my folically challenged body, I wanted to have thicker and longer hair and to expand my style options. I went to a local place here in Halifax where they specialized in hair loss and replacements. For the next years I put my hair and head through the paces. I submitted myself to often painful braiding and sew-in procedures that left my own hair worse than ever and my scalp beaten and bruised. At the same time I began to spend more and more time outside the country. I visited other salons and specialists in this type of hair systems and started to expand my knowledge of other options.

Fast forward some years later and I find myself back home in Halifax Nova Scotia. The Maritimes had finally called me home! 

Shortly after arriving here a friend of mine was diagnosed with breast cancer. Her biggest fear, even more paramount than her breast, for her, was losing her beautiful mane of perfectly colored, straight, long hair.  As with most breast cancer patients, soon after her treatments began, she lost her hair and found herself at the front door of the very specialist that I had visited some 20 years ago.  The name of the business had changed and the family member running it had shifted, but the hair and the type of systems they offered were the same.

I realized at that point that there were few options available in Halifax for women like me who wanted to augment lackluster heads of hair, or like my friend who, out of necessity, needed to have a wig to get her through this trying part of her life.  I realized also that I had a wealth of knowledge and experience that could help women who were struggling with the loss of their hair and wanting to feel more like themselves again. Who better to help a person through this than someone who had struggled themselves with similar issues? It is the perfect alignment of empathy, passion and knowledge. 

I have more than 20 years experience with hair and a world wide exposure to what is available. I have made it my mission to learn about hair quality and different products that are available. I have found suppliers who make hair systems which meet my high expectations. I treat every product I sell as if it were my own and it must meet my high standard before I hand it off to you. I personally inspect for quality and I choose systems with my customer’s happiness and comfort in mind.  I know from experience what works, what is uncomfortable and what can injure your scalp and hair. Most of all I know about wearing hair and how to make it your own. Your beautiful, luxurious hair is my business.