1658 Bedford Highway - (902) 580-6969 - luxuryhairhalifax@outlook.com

Loose Ends

Choose your words

Choose your words

   What do you call this thing on your head? Is it a wig, a wiglett, a topper, helper hair or a hair piece?? Lord knows its confusing and I can’t b...

Women's Hair loss - you are NOT alone

Women's Hair loss - you are NOT alone

As most of you may or may not know, this company is a very new venture for me. After seeing my friend suffer with finding a good quality human hair...

List of things i can do wearing a wig

  So i see a lot of people asking for advice on where they can wear their wigs and how to avoid being discovered as a wig wearer on vacations and ...

Its JUST hair

Its just hair. Words I have heard my whole life. I wish for one day, everyone who has said to me “its JUST hair” could feel what it really feels li...

Hand Tied Wigs

Hand Tied Wigs

What is a hand Tied Wig?  When you begin your journey in choosing a wig, one of the terms you will come across is ‘Hand Tied cap.’ You will soon r...

Cutting Loose!!!

Cutting Loose!!!

I see a lot of people who worry about the logistics of wearing hair and going on vacation. I hear you! Gone are the days where you pack a toothbrus...

Heads Up - wearing wigs is not for the weak at heart

Yesterday was a walk down memory lane for me. I was at a meeting with a local hair stylist who wanted to take a look at my products and show her s...